Janene Mitchell, LAc
Cosmetic Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

Services & Rates

Cosmetic Acupuncture

75 minutes: $145

With Cosmetic Acupuncture some benefits come after only a few treatments, while other issues require a series of treatments to see significant changes.  After completing a series, maintenance treatments are recommended.  Scheduling is based on age, health and skin condition. 

Why is that?

  • People under stress heal more slowly, so will need more treatments to get results.  Fortunately, acupuncture combats the effects of stress and speeds up healing. 
  • Without enough sleep our bodies can't repair.   Acupuncture promotes  restful sleep to support overall health.
  • Poor diets and a lack of exercise all have an impact on the health of our skin.  A clean diet and exercise helps reduce inflammation and improves circulation to nourish all tissues.
  • Dehydration is a big factor,  One of the easiest things you can do to care for your skin is drink enough water.
  • As we age, things slow down.  It takes longer to produce collagen, to build muscle or for tissues to heal.  Older people will need more sessions initially to see results and maintenance treatments more often to maintain them.

What to Expect                                             

With 1 or 2 sessions                                                              

  • Better hydration, dewier skin
  • A more even skin tone
  • Brighter, less dull complexion
  • Improved muscle tone
  • Less tension in facial muscles and jaw

2 to 3 sessions

  • Changes in post acne pigmentation
  • Reduction in mild acne
  • Less rosacea

4 to 6 sessions

  • Increased collagen production (30 & 40 year olds)
  • Reduction of fine lines & wrinkles
  • More firm muscle tone

6 to 10 sessions

  • Increased collagen production (50 & 60 year olds) 
  • More lifted muscle tone
  • Greater reduction in wrinkles

10 to 12 sessions

  • Increased collagen production (60 to 70 year olds)
  • Reduction of fine lines & wrinkles
  • More firm muscle tone

Maintenance Treatments

Regular sessions for the best outcomes:

  • Every 4-6 weeks   (50 and older)
  • Every 6-8 weeks   (30 & 40 year olds)

A tune-up session can be of benefit farther apart.  It all depends on your health and how you take care of your skin.

Cosmetic Acupuncture Series

75 minutes: $540.00

A series of 4 Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments, usually once a week. If you're in your 20s or 30s - every 2 weeks.

As one of my teachers says "It's like taking your face to the gym.

Regular weekly sessions work better than treatments spaced farther apart. You don't expect to have a perfect body after one trip to the gym.  If you only go once every 3 or 4 weeks you won't get the same results you'll have when working out regularly, 2 or 3 times a week.

Try to commit to weekly acupuncture sessions.  Your face will be happier. 

Compare the cost of an acupuncture series to Botox every 3 months.  The cost is about the same.  Plus acupuncture is non-toxic and safer, with no risk of muscle atrophy.  You won't end up with a flat forehead or a drooping eyebrow.  And you will still have a full range of facial expressions. 

Also, there's a chance that someday Botox may not work anymore.  Your body can become resistant to it.  And it moves around, Botox doesn't just stay where it's injected into your face. 

Finally, acupuncture supports your overall health and well-being, helping you feel stronger and grounded, with more energy.