Janene Mitchell, LAc
Cosmetic Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine


Cosmetic Acupuncture has a long history of use and has been researched in China (see below).  Treatments include placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body and face.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine this stimulates and improves the flow and quality of Qi (energy) through the pathways of your body (meridians).  It may be hard to understand how this can affect your skin!  But from a Western perspective it promotes healing by increasing circulation, reducing inflammation and improving the tone of your facial muscles.

The benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture include:

  • Relaxing tight, tense facial muscles that cause wrinkling
  • Strengthening lax, weak muscles to tone and lift
  • Increasing blood flow to nourish skin cells and create a glowing complexion 
  • Supporting lymphatic drainage to reduce puffiness
  • Promoting collagen production to fill in fine lines and reduce wrinkles
  • Clearing inflammation to reduce redness, rosacea & mild acne 
  • Slowing down collagen degradation
  • Addressing blotchiness and hyperpigmentation
  • Promoting hydration on a cellular level to nourish dry skin
  • Speeding up recovery after surgical procedures
  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Relieving sinus congestion 
  • Better digestion and elimination
  • Reducing jaw tension
  • Stress and tension relief - improved sleep and an overall feeling of well-being

What is a Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment like?  Overall, extremely relaxing...like a visit to the spa.

Aromatherapy - Essential oils may be applied to your skin - chosen for relaxation, adrenal support, stress reduction, to enhance circulation and reduce puffiness.

Full body acupuncture - A few needles will be placed in points on your legs or arms, hands or feet, or upper chest.  A gentle facial cleanser will be applied followed by the insertion of very thin, high-quality needles into facial muscles and lines as needed.  After resting for a while, all the needles will be removed and a cooling facial toner will be applied to your skin. 

A deeply relaxing facial massage - People often fall asleep during this part of the treatment.  During this time your nervous system has a chance to reset.  Releasing muscle tension is key to preventing wrinkles and improving muscle tone.  Increasing circulation brings important nutrients and oxygen that nourishes your skin on a cellular level.

Nutritional and lifestyle tips to support skin health, including a self-massage facial routine for home.


Some Research:

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Meridional Cosmetology: Report of 300 Cases with Discussion of Underlying Mechanism

The first landmark study of facial acupuncture found that “among 300 cases treated in China with facial acupuncture, 90% had marked effects with one course of 10 treatments”(Zhang, Q. 1996).

Benefits demonstrated improvement in:  skin texture, color, elasticity, wrinkle reduction & overall rejuvenation.

“Results were not merely confined to the face, as facial acupuncture virtually always includes work to address the entire body and organ systems, as well as the face.”


Acupuncture & Dermatology

Clinical trials and case reports of patients using acupuncture have been reported in the areas of treating atopic dermatitis and itch, urticaria, herpes zoster at various stages, psoriasis, acne, melasma, hyperhidrosis and promoting wound healing.